The Board of Directors of the Summer Institute of Church Music wants to thank its community and past participants for their incredible responses to our survey in the Fall of 2022. We sent a request for feedback survey to approximately 200 email addresses and just over 40 responded within two days! This 25% rate of return is very impressive, and the Board has taken into consideration the results in planning for SICM 2023 onward.
Here is what you told us:
1. How important is the SICM annual conference to your musical ministry and professional development?
a. an option 28%,
b. somewhat important 21%,
c. important, very important, “must attend” 51%
2. When considering attending SICM, which of the following factors are most important to you?
Check all applicable
Top three: choral sessions 77.5%, sense of community 60%, location 55%
3. How important is it for you to attend SICM in person?
a. Not important 10%,
b. somewhat important 18%,
c. important, very important, “an absolute must” 72%
4. How significant is the Trafalgar Castle School to your choice to attend SICM?
a. Not significant 55%,
b. somewhat significant 17.5%,
c. significant, very significant, “can’t imagine SICM held anywhere else” 27.5%
5. If ALL sessions of SICM were held in ONE location (NOT the Castle) with LUNCH SUPPLIED, and you were responsible for accommodation, breakfast, and dinner, how attractive would this be to you?
a. Not attractive at all 27%,
b. somewhat attractive 35%,
c. attractive, very attractive 38%
6. What do you think is a reasonable fee for the SICM scenario as outlined in question #5?
a. $400-$449 69%
b. $450-499 22%
c. $500-550 9%
7. Would you attend SICM EAST if it were held in other centers (NOT Whitby)?
a. Yes 76%,
b. no 24%
8. In which of these possible locations for SICM EAST (the event as outlined in question #5) would you consider attending, if any? Check as many as necessary. Top three:
a. GTA 64%,
b. Eastern Ontario 41%,
c. Ottawa area 38.5%
9. What do you LIKE about the “online” version of SICM? Check all applicable.
a. Cost 41%,
b. convenience 68%,
c. no travel required 47%,
d. nothing 32%
10. What did you think of the $300 cost for SICM 2022 Online?
a. A bargain 3%
b. reasonable 68%,
c. too high 32%
total more than 100% (?)
Fostering Church Music
The Summer Institute of Church Music (SICM) hosts its professional development program and session the first week of July annually. Church musicians, worship leaders, choristers, and clergy of all levels and abilities are welcome to join and connect with us.