For more than 50 years, the Summer Institute of Church Music (SICM) has been helping church music to flourish by hosting a week-long transformative professional development program in July each year centred in Whitby ON. Church musicians, worship leaders, clergy and choristers study under the direction of world class faculty, and participate in workshops, sessions, and a gala concert designed to enhance their skills and professional toolkit. Participants of all skill levels and denominations are welcomed. It is the only program of its kind in Canada.

The SICM was established and operates under the following aims and objectives:

(a) to stimulate a desire for excellence in the leadership of church music;

(b) to promote an understanding of the literature of church music;

(c) more specifically, to promote and conduct a summer course for choirmasters and organists;

(d) to encourage young musicians to make a serious study of the organ, and of choral conducting;

(e) to offer a scholarship every two years to a young organ student chosen on the basis of a competition. (Osborne Organ Competition)

How we’re funded

The Summer Institute of Church Music is a CRA registered charity (Business No: 890641541RR0001, and nonprofit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.

The SICM is funded entirely by registration fees paid by participants in its annual programs, donations, and corporate sponsorships. Donations, and inquiries about sponsorship are gratefully received.

New developments

The SICM was entirely a residential inperson program in Whitby ON, until COVID-19 meant a transition to online programming in 2020, and 2021. In 2022, the SICM will mark a new chapter in its history with the expansion of its programs to include inperson sessions in Whitby – SICM East, and in Edmonton – SICM West, and an online program also. The Board of Directors is excited to make this transition to a truly national organization, building on a strong history, and looking toward an exciting future!


Board of Directors

Taylor Sullivan

Gordon Adnams

Christina Labriola

Chris Dawes

Evelyn Grieger

Barbara Breckenridge

Morris Ellington

Blaine Sack

50 years of experience in church music

Over 50 years of experience

For more than 50 years, the Summer Institute of Church Music has offered a unique professional development, study, and retreat program for church musicians, worship leaders and choristers.

Our Sponsors