Osborne Organ Competition

The Osborne Organ Competition is held every two years in support of advanced study in organ or church music by young Canadian organists.

The Founders

The Florence and Stanley Osborne Scholarship in Church Music is named for Mrs. & Dr. Stanley Llewellen Osborne , who funded the first scholarship in organ performance at the Summer Institute of Church Music.

Dr. Stanley Llewellen Osborne


Past Winners

Past Winners & Jury Chairs

No competition held due to COVID-19

No competition held due to COVID-19

Winner: Stefani Bedin

Second Prize: Robert Hamilton/Nicholas Walters

Chair of Jury: Dr. Ryan Jackson

No competition was held.

Winner: Stephen Boda

Second Prize: David Simon & Matthew Whitfield

Jury Chair: David Palmer

Winner: Matthieu Latreille

Second Prize: Stephen Boda & Francine Nguyen-Savaria

Jury Chair: Rachel Lauren

Winner: C. Aaron James

Second Prize: Rachel A. Mahon

Jury Chair: Roger Bergs

Winner: Michael Oldaker

 Second Prize: Matthew Coons

 Jury Chair: Michael Bloss

Winner: Aaron Tan

Second Prize: Isabelle Demers

Jury Chair: Paul Halley

Winner: Ryan Jackson 

Second Prize: Ryan Enright 

Jury Chair: Paul Jacobs

Winner: Geoffrey Ward

Jury Chair: William O’Meara & William Maddox

Jury Chair: William & Patricia Wright

Second Prize: Jennifer Loveless

Jury Chair: Joan Lippincott

Jury Chair: Donald Sutherland

Jury Chair: John Weaver

Winner: Kenneth Cowan

Second Prize: James Andrew Calkin

Jury Chair: Judith Hancock

Winner: Elizabeth Sander

Jury Chair: David Higgs

Winner: Joel Hastings

Jury Chair: James Bigham

Winner: John Charron 

Jury Chair: Clyde Holloway

Winner: Heather Rice

Other finalists: Danielle Dube, Marie Bouchard

Jury Chair: Gerre Hancock

Winner: Michael Bloss, Derek Smith

Other finalists: Heather Rice, Marie Bouchard

Jury Chair: Frederick Swann

Winner: Leonard Campbell

Jury Chair: Marilyn Mason

Winner: Patricia Snyder

Jury Chair: Wilbur Held

Winner: Roderick McAvoy

 Jury Chair: Gerald Bales

Winner: Mary Johnston

Jury Chair: James Litton

Winner: Pamela Gil

Jury Chair: Alec Wyton

Winner: Terence Ford

Second Prize: Gertrude Olford

Jury Chair: George Faxon

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